If anyone belongs to Christ, then he is made new. The old things have gone; everything is made new!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (ICB)
Once we are made new in Christ, we will discover that Jesus is the source of our identity and security. In reality, our entire Christian life should be viewed from this perspective. The more you affirm who you are in Christ, the more your attitude and behaviour will reflect your true identity. The implications are far-reaching.
Often because of misplaced priorities, we inadvertently forget who God created us to be in Christ and how we fit into His family as sons and daughters. This is why discipleship is important. Discipleship allows us to continue God's unique call on our lives. But if there is no discipleship, no sons or daughters will rise up for the purpose of the kingdom. They do not grow strong and remain fruitful but become weak in faith and vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy.
When we forget our identity in Christ, we will begin to look for external validations of worth. Any sense of worth we get outside Christ is momentary and worthless. This thirst for “more” worth can become addictive and even impair our ability to trust and follow God. Ministry becomes idolatry when we are isolated from a loving relationship with God. We know God by loving Him, and not by doing something for Him. Our doing must always flow out of our love—from God and for God.
We live in a culture that calls us to live for ourselves. However, the gospel is counter cultural. We are called to deny ourselves and live for Christ. It is to remind yourself every day who you really are in Christ and to receive grace after grace to live in His fullness.