Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all.
Proverbs 3:5-6 The Passion Translation
Some of us are better at worrying than trusting God.
Jesus tells us worrying is pointless because it does not add more years to our lives. Rather, you must learn to trust God in all things. Trust God even when you are in a tough place, and everything seems to be working against you. Trust God even when you don't know where life is taking you or what you are supposed to learn along the way. Trust God even when you can't seem to hear His voice or sense His presence clearly.
To trust God is to make God first in your life.
Let God be your first thought in your morning and your last thought in your evening, and also in-between. Grow a sense of intimacy and deepen your friendship with God. This is because when you become fully persuaded of God's perfect love, obedience becomes easy. Obedience is a fruit of trusting God—for you are revealing your unshakeable confidence in God's goodness to keep you on the right path.
Even if you feel God is not answering your prayers, He will give you more than you can imagine or expect. God is practical. God knows what you need and will fully satisfy you according to His glorious riches in Christ. As such, if you can't trust God, you are robbing God of His glory, of what He can do in spite of you.
Stop wrestling with God, start resting in Him.
When you learn to rest in God's leading, God will turn your fear into faith, your weaknesses into strengths and your battles into blessings. Lean on God in prayer if you are in a constant state of worry about your future or facing health issues or financial stress because of the current COVID situation. Meditate on this word of God:
I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: My plan will take place, and I will do all My will.
Isaiah 46:10, Holman Christian Standard Bible
You can trust God because He knows your future right from the beginning, and He is able to do more than you can ask or imagine. Keep believing in Him to direct the course of your steps to wholeness and well-being.