You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.
2 Corinthians 3:2-3
The Apostle Paul tells us that we are epistles of Christ, written by God's hands of grace to bring glory to Him. We are to let our life and testimony reflect God's love and goodness so that others are drawn to know Him for themselves.
Sometimes we feel that we are too imperfect and too unqualified to be God's choice to serve His purpose. God isn't surprised by our weakness and He knows that we have limitations. Rather, God calls us to follow Him so that He can reveal His power through us. This is why He gives us the Spirit of Sonship in Christ that we can boldly relate to God as our Father and serve Him through the graces and gifts which He blessed us richly through the Holy Spirit.
Instead of feeling burdened with guilt and shame, walk in your new identity in Christ and let His righteousness take root within you. It will certainly empower you to bear fruits of righteousness and experience His victory in every area of your life. Your transformed life is the evidence that God has given you a new nature and a new heart. This means you have everything you need in Christ to be His effective witness.
More people read you than the Bible. It is not about being perfect but about aspiring to live an authentic life through the power of God's love. Only when we are fully convicted that we are truly loved by God and there is nothing to fear, we conquer and overcome every sense of inadequacy and insufficiency.
Just ask God for an opportunity to shine His love to the people around you.
God's love is the most amazing and most awesome thing about Him. Be such a beautiful rendition that is both accurate and readable—that when people see you, they see God.