Are you more connected to your faith or to your fear?
Most believers assume it is natural to be fearful, but faith is something beyond their reach. The opposite is true. In Christ, you should see fear as unnatural and faith as naturally supernatural. This is because when your eyes are fixed on Jesus, you will not let your circumstance or situation determine your future. Then, you will act more like a victim than a victor in Christ.
We can see this revelation in Mark 4:37-51.
When Jesus and His disciples were crossing the lake, they were caught in a violent storm that was fast sinking their boat. Full of fear, the disciples pleaded for Jesus to save them. Upon calming the storm, Jesus asked His disciples as to why they were fearful and without faith.
But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”
Mark 4:40 New King James Version
The questions reveal the truth—every believer holds the power to live by faith. Notice Jesus asked, “Why are you…?” and “How is it that you…?” It is obvious our Lord wants us to take responsibility for our response to life’s conflicting moments and to choose faith instead of fear when facing an uncertain future.
The source of fear is rejection. The disciples were fearful because they thought Jesus didn’t care enough to save them (Mark 3:38). Truth is, Jesus will not only save you, but He will save you to the utmost! (Hebrews 7:25) If you can’t grasp this revelation, it is easy to fall into fear and helplessness. Then, faith becomes a self-effort work and no longer resembles a gift of rest from God.
The gospel proclaims God’s love for you in Christ—and no matter where life takes you, God will never leave you or forsake you. What a promise! This unrelenting presence of God will give you a resilient faith to get through every storm, especially those seemingly impossible ones. Let this truth fuel your faith!
Where faith is, there is no fear. Hold on to faith and fear will lose its grip on you.