God saved us and called us to a life of holiness, not because of our works but according to his own purpose and the grace that has been bestowed upon us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.

2 Timothy 1:9 (NCB)


Holiness is both a personal and communal experience that expresses the restoration of the image of God in us through His grace. In this sense, holiness is active faith, in which we actively pursue what Spirit of God is working within us in order to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.

There is no spectrum of holiness. You cannot be holy today and not tomorrow. Being made holy is an integral and essential part of your salvation and oneness in Christ. If you are struggling to live a holy life, it is not a sin problem, but rather an identity issue. Forgetting who you already are in Christ keeps you from enjoying a life of victory and overcoming sin. This forgetfulness is a major deceptive strategy of the evil one, in which he manipulates our senses to create false beliefs about ourselves and our relationship with God.

The key to living a holy life is to agree with what God says about who you are in Christ and to learn to walk in the reality of your new nature. This requires faith, humility, and perseverance. Indeed, we will stumble again and again, but we may rely on God's grace and strength to help us overcome our weaknesses.

As we keep securing ourselves in the knowledge of God's love and sovereign goodness, we will live more freely and fully than ever before. When that happens, not only will we change, but so will our church community, and together we will transform our city for God's glory.