But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.

Romans 3:21-22 (ESV)


It is through Christ’s finished work on the cross that we are no longer under the Old Covenant. The law, which was against us because of our sin, is now rendered obsolete since Christ fulfilled the just requirement of the law in order to forgive us our sins. In other words, the New Covenant signals the end of the law as a way of righteousness. This is why the Apostle Paul declares that we now have a righteousness apart from the law by faith.

While the Old Covenant was a legal covenant that revealed our sinfulness and the need for righteousness, the New Covenant is a living covenant that establishes our absolute forgiveness and imputed righteousness in Christ.

Our imputed righteousness is the basis of our right standing with God. What a joy we have been given such a privilege. There is no fear of not being enough when you know you have everything in Christ. Having this righteousness imputed to us enables us to walk right with God in our everyday life.

Walking in God’s righteousness means walking in God’s love. It means we have no fear in that love, and when we choose to walk in love, God walks beside us. The more we know God is with us, the more we can believe that He has good plans for us. We can hardly miss God’s will when He Himself put those dreams and desires in our hearts. So, let no fear of inadequacy or insufficiency keeps you from stepping forward in faith. With God, all things are possible.