But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Galatians 5:18
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5: 25
A distinction should be made between "being led by the Spirit" and "walking in the Spirit", since the former implies the Spirit guiding us while the latter implies our obedience to His guidance.
The Greek New Testament word for "led" is ago. It is a shepherding term that describes the Holy Spirit leading us like a shepherd leads his sheep. His leading mirrors the relationship we have with Christ. This is because the Holy Spirit is the "another Paraclete "or Comforter Christ promised us in John 14:16. Paraclete literally means, "to come alongside in a time of trouble". It is a legal term that refers to an advocate or defence lawyer who assists in times of trouble when called upon.
The Holy Spirit as your Advocate will guide you into all truth which is Christ Jesus. (John 16:13) By believing and obeying the truth of the gospel, you are not only set free from your sin but your conscience is also set free from the false accusations of legalism. This means every time you are accused of not being righteous enough or tempted to prop yourself up with another standard of righteousness, the Holy Spirit comes to your defence! He will convict us of our righteousness in Christ (John 16:10) because His crucial role is to help us in our weaknesses (Romans 8:26-27).
People who subscribe to a legalistic understanding of Christianity trust in their own efforts rather than letting the Holy Spirit work in and through them. Sooner or later, their "works of the law" will become "works of the flesh". As a result of this, they are filled with self-righteousness, believing they can please God and perform miracles without the hearing of faith.
According to the Apostle Paul, we receive the Holy Spirit through the faithful hearing of the gospel (Galatians 3:12), so if we desire to see more and more of the Holy Spirit's supernatural work in our lives and in the lives of others, we need to hear and keep hearing the gospel. By developing a greater appetite for the gospel, we will be able to experience a supernatural rest that none of us can experience without the Holy Spirit.