After this I looked, and there was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands.

Revelation 7:9 (CSB)


Diversity is a gift from God.

We must recognise He is greater and grander than all of our perspectives put together. That means God's heart for His world and His compassion for innumerable individuals are beyond our wildest dreams or imagination. This frees us to engage positively and constructively with people outside the four walls of the church, to not be afraid of them and love them as God does.

Many Christians are living in a siege mindset, transforming their churches into fortresses to keep them safe until Jesus returns. If we wish to remain effective in sharing the gospel in the public square, we must overcome our fear and apprehension.

Perhaps if we started living differently, as if the gospel is truly true, we would discover a wonderful freedom to engage with the poor, alienated, and marginalised. Can you imagine what would happen in our city if Christians lived in the richness and depth of the gospel, not just with words but with actions, not judgemental but kind, not selfish but generous?

This word, "diversity," needs to be redeemed. It has been misused and misunderstood by many. Be captivated by God's vision of diversity. The church is never intended to be one shade or colour, but rather a rich and wonderful array of people of many colours, accents, and expressions. If this is our Father's heart, it should also be ours.

The gospel is outrageously good news but many of those who follow it are not.

The Apostle John wrote the vision he had seen, of the vast multitude of people from every nation who gather around the throne of God. This John was the same John was once sought Jesus for permission to send fire from heaven on a Samaritan village. Look at how far this man has come.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to "re-vision" our focus and envisage God graciously taking the scales from our eyes and helping us in seeing people as God sees them and loving them as God loves them.