Now go in my authority and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19 (TPT)
What distinguishes a Christian as a disciple of Christ?
It is when we actively and purposefully follow Christ and submit to His command in carrying out His Great Commission. We will learn to pursue Christ's call to live out our faith passionately for Him every day and everywhere as we accept and grow more completely into our identity in Christ.
Christ's Great Commission is for all believers, not simply a few chosen saints. However, there are those who see the Great Commission as a suggestion, something we do when we have time, rather than a command we obey and faithfully endeavour to carry out.
We obey Christ not because we are told to, as if it is a threatening ultimatum. Rather, our obedience reflects and demonstrates God's love and grace at work in and through us. Because God’s love resides inside us, He inspires and empowers us to accomplish everything from a place of love rather than fear. As a result, obeying is a delight and privilege rather than a burden. This is because God is inviting us to partner with Him in carrying out His will for all to be saved.
When we all share God's purpose for people to come to a saving knowledge of the truth in Christ Jesus, we are truly moving away from “Churchianity” into “Christianity" just as our Lord intended and His apostles instructed.
Churchianity is not Christianity.
It is a misunderstanding of Christ's Great Commission. It gives the impression that the church is more important than Christ. It subsumes God's Kingdom goal insidiously by drawing attention to its programmes and activities rather than calling people to encounter Jesus in the Scripture and Spirit. When you walk with our Lord in the light of His gospel, you will not only get off to a good start, but you will also stay on track.