Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

John 14:12 (ESV)


Many Christians are far more consumers than contributors.

They care more about pleasing themselves than about pleasing God. When this happens, our worship and various ministries become consumer goods, geared to meet their seemingly insatiable demands rather than enabling them to fulfil their purpose in Christ. This undermines their spiritual growth and well-being since those who receive without giving will turn more selfish, bored, and ungrateful. Consumers eventually become critics, while contributors become co-creators with God.

We all have a God-give purpose, but we must choose to let God lead.

As we embrace our oneness with God, we have a foretaste of His kingdom through our new life in Christ. With His Spirit in us, we become connected to the Father’s will, enabling us to move beyond passivity and procrastination to co-create with Him, bringing His chosen reality into our world. The sad truth is that most Christians never learned to live a full life in Christ with purpose and passion. They never experienced the delight of serving along with God.

Co-creation is based on reciprocity and humility.

We receive so that we can give. We are blessed so that we can bless. We are loved so thar we can love. We are forgiven so that we can forgive. We are empowered so that we can equip. Hence, in co-creating with God, we are learning to be Jesus and living in obedience to God.