The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man, and he was in the house of his Egyptian master. His master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord caused all that he did to succeed in his hands. So, he left all that he had in Joseph's charge, and because of him he had no concern about anything but the food he ate.

Genesis 39:2-4, 6 (ESV)


Is God in your work life?

Your faith should be the first thing people notice when they meet you. When you see work as a calling and a way to worship God, you will be amazed at how God may express His presence and power in and through you. God's favour on Joseph made him a blessing to many. Similarly, you may prosper in the workplace if you learn to glorify God in everything you do.

Consistency builds credibility.

Joseph was able to maintain consistency and discipline in his work despite his circumstances. Potiphar noticed Joseph's excellence in everything he did, so he promoted him from a sold slave to a trusted servant. A promotion is not something we brag about, but rather something for which we praise God. God is the source of our ability and ambition to be the best versions of ourselves.

Base your personal and professional values on the Kingdom's principles. Do not feel ashamed to identify with the gospel. Make it a non-negotiable in your business and interpersonal relationships. Again, this is not about being obnoxious or preachy about your faith. Rather, the gospel encourages us to show profound love and compassion for others.

While not everyone will accept or value you because you are Christian. They may even attack you and make derogatory comments about you. Just like Joseph, trust God to vindicate you and bring you out victorious. Stay resilient and true to who God made you to be in Christ.