You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 (ESV)


An experience of God and an encounter with God is not the same thing.

While an experience only lasts a moment, an encounter can change one's life forever.

Every believer has an experience of God, but an encounter with God is so much more than a warm, fuzzy feeling. Encounters kindles our hearts with purpose and passion for deep engagement with God. This will ultimately transform how we live and love because of what we have received from Him.

The “flickering heat” of an experience can be easily dispersed by life’s painful realities, yet the “flaming fire” of an encounter will light the way through the dark places till light shines through again. Thus, we need to move from merely tasting to enjoying the most intimate filling of the fullness of God.

When we read the Bible, we learn that God encourages us to make it a priority to seek Him and encounter His presence in our daily lives. Not every encounter must be dramatic or spectacular. However, when it happens to us, it is so uniquely personal that we can't help but be amazed by His closeness and care for us.

Like many biblical characters, our encounters with God will lead to a lifestyle of worship marked by an ever-increasing faith and practical obedience. Then when the storms and whirlwinds of life come, we will stand strong and not be afraid. The one who is prepared to meet God is the one who is never surprised when life takes a turn. Faith in God’s sovereignty gives hope and comfort that everything works together for our good and His glory.