Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

Colossians 4:5-6 (ESV)


As believers, we express our faith not only within the walls of our church, but also with others in our spheres of influence. We live in a culture full of misconceptions about Christianity and Christians. We cannot blame people for their negative opinions since the falls and failures of some well-known Christians have hinder the public testimony of the gospel. While we cannot be held responsible for the damage and hurt associated with unfortunate happenings, we are still responsible to live a life worthy of God.

There is a prophetic purpose in expressing our faith publicly.

It is simply more than saying what is right or wrong; it is proclaiming the gospel in which God has made peace and reconciliation possible, and everyone is invited to a new way of life and love. In having been touched by that perfect love, we cannot but love others in the way God has so graciously loves us.

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to be wise with those outside our faith community.

Our words and actions towards them should always be gracious and seasoned with salt, regardless of what they believe or how they live. Salt was used in biblical time not only to flavour and preserve food, but also to purify everything impure. This means we are to purposefully make God’s grace obvious in all we say and do, without any judgement or denigration, so that our words and actions have a liberating and cleansing effect on others. Then people will not only enjoy talking to us but will actively look to us for answers and truths that lead to the heart of God.