God your Father already knows what you need. He knows this even before you ask him.

Matthew 6:8 (EASY)


If God already knows everything, why pray?

We have ever more reason to pray because we know that God knows everything and works everything out for our good and His glory. We can pour out our hearts without fear or hesitation because we know that He is our perfect and righteous Father, capable of far more than we could ever ask or conceive.

Praying is too difficult and impractical for those who are impatient with God or who can't wait for Him to fulfil His promises. If your prayers go unanswered, it doesn't imply God wasn't hearing you or that He didn't care.

To pray is to do more than simply ask God to supply our needs. Jesus said that even before we pray, God knows what we need. This indicates that prayer is a dialogue with the Father rather than a monologue in which you speak, and God listens. We pray to become more aware of who God is and what He is doing in and through our lives. This enables us to enlarge our prayers beyond our tangible needs or concerns. Then, because we are allowing God to act in any way He pleases, our prayers become bold, audacious, and sometimes outrageous.

Such prayers are in no way arrogant or presumptuous. However, because we are so loved by God, and out of the joyous overflow of that love, we become confident in our expectations. Even though we might not get everything we desire, we often receive more than we ever expected. This is the blessing of having a childlike faith.