The Son reflects the glory of God. He is an exact copy of God’s nature. He holds everything together with his powerful word.
Hebrews 1:3 (ICB)
What is God like?
God is like Jesus.
The writer of the epistle to the Hebrews describes Jesus as the radiance of God’s glory. The nature of Jesus is the same as the nature of God, and the character of the Father is the same as that of the Son. This means God doesn't treat us any different than Jesus did. God welcomes us like Jesus did, and God loves us unconditionally, just like Jesus did.
Sometimes we think God is mad or angry with us, and He is not pleased with us. But when we read the gospels, Jesus often speaks of God as the Father, who so loved the world that He sent His Son for our salvation. There are no outcast or forgotten people. Jesus came to save all.
Indeed, the Apostle John tells us, “God is Love”. (1 John 4:8) We don’t have to fear God’s judgment or wrath because God’s great love for us is so amazing that He can take all fear away from our hearts. This does not mean that God lets us do whatever we like. Because God loves us, He disciplines us to follow His ways. His eternal intent is for us to conform to the image and likeness of His Son.
Conformity is the process of the Holy Spirit working in us to have the mind of Christ. Having this innate ability to think like Jesus brings clarity to our identity and purpose. Like Jesus, we will know who God is to us, and who we are to Him. Then we don’t feel forced or compelled to serve God if we understand our attitudes and actions are sincere expressions of our belonging to the Father.