Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive, as He is doing now.

Genesis 50:20 (GWT)


Most of us are familiar with Joseph's story, in which he was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, and when they finally saw him after many years, they were astounded by his rise to power. Joseph's brothers were concerned that he would wreak revenge on them after Jacob died, but he reassured them of his love and forgiveness.

While God may not change your circumstances, He will change your perspective on how you perceive things.

Even though his life did not go as planned, Joseph stayed faithful to God and held fast to God's promises despite his circumstances and trials. Instead of growing bitter about everything and everyone, Joseph moved past his brothers' malicious deeds to see how God turned everything into something good. If not for what his brothers did to him, Joseph would not have been able to save his family and the Egyptians from starvation and even flourish during the famine.

God is faithful and trustworthy.

Never forget that God always has a perfect plan for you because He knows what is going on in your life better than you do. Simply trust God to weave His purpose into and between the threads of life's contradictions and conflicts. Even if God does not act in the way you want or give you the answer you seek, you may be confident in His ability to work all things together for your good and His glory.