Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.

Luke 10:3 (ESV)


When Jesus sends us forth as His labourers, He sends us out as lambs among wolves. He knows that His call to us will require faith and courage since we are walking the same road that He walked, which is fraught with danger and uncertainty. Therefore, we need to come close to Him and enable Him to empower and equip us to do His will in a way that will glorify Him.

We are strong in Christ despite our fragilities and fears.

As sheep we have little inherent strength to guard or defend ourselves against the evil present in the world. There are times we feel overwhelmed and tempted to compromise our faith. But no matter what, we cannot ignore God’s mission, but must remain faithful even in the midst of opposition.

While we may risk our lives for the sake of His kingdom, the intended evil of the world can work for our good. Because we are not sheep without a shepherd, we become stronger and more resilient despite the hardships and afflictions.

Your life in Christ becomes more meaningful and purposeful when you have the ultimate big picture of His love for a lost and broken world. While we cannot banish evil—at least not just yet, but we have been given supernatural grace and power to overcome evil with good.

Christ’s call to radical discipleship and kingdom advancement propels us into actions and many good works. When we acknowledge His lordship and seek to live for His glory, we have the potential to become the most disruptive people to turn the world upside down.