Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure the lepers, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!
Matthew 10:7-8 Living Bible
The gospel of salvation and the gospel of the kingdom are two sides of the same coin.
Once we are in Christ, we are to align ourselves to the culture of His Kingdom and learn how to live it out in our daily lives. Though it is other worldly, it is not esoteric or magical but it is grounded in a true and living relationship with Jesus. After all, the heart of Kingdom culture is one that its citizens celebrate and elevate its King.
Kingdom living is both practical and real.
We are empowered by the Spirit of Jesus to go into the world and do good everywhere for His glory and honour. As we freely receive we freely give. We are to offer hope to the lost, healing to the hurting and freedom to the oppressed. When we live to celebrate and elevate Jesus through the way we speak, how we respond and interact with people, they will get to see Jesus is living inside us.
The Apostle Paul tells us, in 1 Corinthians 4:20, the kingdom goes beyond persuasion to the power of God that makes all things new in every facet of our lives. As sons and daughters of the Father, we have been given authority and power through God's grace to move and act like Jesus so we can spread the culture of the Kingdom and change the spiritual climate of our city.
As we walk in the reality of our identity in Christ, we must allow Him to reframe everything about what it means to follow Him so that we can perfectly align ourselves to Kingdom life and culture. Then we become, with Jesus, redeemers and rebuilders and restorers of lives.
Ask the Spirit to renew your mind and follow the Spirit to witness God's love in new places and new ways. Be bold to pray for the sick. Be bold to proclaim the truth of God's grace. Be bold to do all the works Jesus did because Jesus has promised us that He will confirm His living word with His living presence and power (Mark 16:15-20).
Go and advance the Kingdom of Jesus and His righteousness!