Do you find it difficult to love certain people in your life? Or perhaps your efforts to love them haven't resulted in the desired changes? This was what God felt when His people rejected Him. They choose to reject God's love no matter how many times He reaches out to them. But God never give up.
Love always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:7 (NIV)
The Greek word for “endure” is hypomenÅ which means “to remain, not recede or flee, to hold fast under misfortunes and trials or to bear bravely in ill treatment”. If God easily gives up on us, His love is mere infatuation. God is faithful and will abide with us even even if His love remains unrequited.
The Bible tells us that God never gets weary of trying to make His love known to us. Creation indicates His existence, but His nature was completely revealed in Christ. This ensures we cannot misinterpret or misunderstand the true nature of God’s love. Nothing can diminish His love for you. He is with you right from the beginning and will be with you right into eternity.
Enjoying God's love gives life to your worship, conviction to your ministry, and warmth to your relationships. It transforms you from fear to faith, from isolation to inclusion, and from passivity to passion. In the other words, God's beloved is not easily satisfied with mere glimpses of His glory, but longs for the full manifestation His glory in their lives.