Have you ever been so hurt by someone that you wished you could get even? No matter how justified you believe you are, Paul tells us not to dwell on a wrong done to us.
Love keeps no record of wrongs.
1 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV)
The Greek word for "record" in this context is “logizomai”, which means "to take into account," and the Greek word for "evil" is "kakos", which means "foul, destructive, to cause harm."
Here Paul is saying, “Don’t keep an account of wrong done”. God didn't. Who would be able to stand if He did? Similarly, we should not keep any record against those who have wronged us. God, who is both Just and Justifier, has the power to work all things for our good and His glory. Let us learn from God how to do good rather than evil.
Love does no harm to a neighbour.
Romans 13:10 (NKJV)
Following World War II, the United States invested billions of dollars to rebuild the economies of their former adversaries. Instead of making their enemies' lives more difficult, the Americans chose to prosper them. Like the proverbial phoenix, both Germany and Japan rose from the ashes to become America's most powerful political and economic allies. Wounds were healed because someone took the initiative to end the curse of enmity by offering the cure of amity.
Anyone can exact revenge on those who have wronged them, but truly prospering your adversary is a "God thing." Stephen pleaded to God as he died at the hands of his enemies, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin" (Acts 7:60). This God-fearing man bore no ill will towards his murderers and pleaded with God to show them grace and mercy.
Do you need to forgive and love anyone? Believe God to deliver you from the evil in your heart, for the power of His love can heal your wounded soul.