Now wherever you go, make disciples of all nations.

Matthew 28:10 (TPT)


Without a doubt, God's heart is for everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4) and for no one to perish (2 Peter 3:9). God's compassion and care for the lost involves our prayers and participation. The more we identify with God's mission, the more we are willing to act and have influence. Mission is not a program or an activity, but rather our fundamental "DNA" that defines and decides our lifestyle choices.

Mission as our "DNA" involves the Spirit of God instilling Kingdom values and priorities in every aspect of our lives. Jesus promises us that we will do greater work than He did. The effective working of His empowering presence allows us to live far more authentically and generously. Then anything God calls us to do will never contradict who we are and become in Christ.

When we choose to pursue the healthy reality of our life in Christ, we will discover and experience a healing way of life in which God is the focus and priority. It begins with the revelation of His amazing love, acceptance, and approval of us, which empowers our obedience, commitment, and service.

Learning to live fully for God allows us to give Him everything we have and who we are because we know God did not withhold anything from us (Romans 8:32). Our lives become an echo, returning to God in gratitude and love for all He has given us. We keep nothing back from God because He never kept anything from us.

We need the Holy Spirit to guide us through our call and meditations on what it means for mission to be our "DNA" to faithfully fulfil Jesus' commandment to go out and make disciples of all nations.