For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8-10, English Standard Version
Just like a farmer uses good seeds to produce good fruits, God has created and chosen you in Christ to produce good works. Good works are more than doing good deeds and helping others. Good works involve a continuous process of personal transformation, where your thinking and behaviour and character become more and more like Christ. It is about God producing in you the spirit and the heart to live and act like a true son or daughter. As such, good works flow from the reality of your new life that is planted and rooted in Christ.
Too often, sermons and teachings focus on getting believers to do more for God. No matter how well intended these preachers and teachers may be, they are actually guilt tripping people to overcommit without considering whether their expectations are aligned to the gospel of God's grace in Christ. The truth is, you are committed to good works because you are already "in" Christ, and not trying to get "into" Christ.
Without a doubt, the gospel says you live and do everything FROM God, not FOR God. When we reduce good works to "doing something for God", then we are defining our spirituality by activity and not creativity. The Apostle Paul says you are created in Christ Jesus for good works. As the Source and Supply of your divine life, Jesus is the one who activates and empowers you to be faithful and fruitful.
Good works should never be about you doing more for God, but about you being more of who God created you to be by experiencing Christ's amazing presence and power working in and through you. The idea of "being more" rather than "doing more" frees you from feeling useless or unworthy and not good enough for God to use you.
God does not want to use you as much as He wants to love you and let you experience His love and kindness. It is only through the confidence of being loved and valued by God that you have the desiring and willingness to partner with God.
By receiving grace to serve from the fullness of God ensures your service to God and ministry to others is a blessing and not a burden, a rest and not a struggle and an opportunity and not an obligation.