I am not asking solely for their benefit; this prayer is also for all the believers who will follow them and hear them speak. Father, may they all be one as You are in Me and I am in You; may they be in Us, for by this unity the world will believe that You sent Me.

John 17:20-21 (The Voice)


In His High Priestly prayer, Jesus asks that we be one with God, as He is with the Him. God, of course, responded to His Son's plea. It is through His perfect work on the cross that we are no longer strangers to God, nor do we fall short of His love and forgiveness. As a result, we can enjoy a loving and fulfilling relationship with God.

Being one with the Father means that you will never be closer to God than you are right now. The sad reality is that many of our prayers and Christian songs convey a distance between God and us. This is far from the truth. When we pray and worship from a place of wrong assumptions, we will act and behave more like spiritual orphans than God's chosen sons and daughters.

You must understand that God's love for you is not determined by how much you love Him or are willing to sacrifice for Him. If this is the case, God's love is reactive rather than initiative. We love God because He first loved us, and our love for God flows from this profound revelation.

When our prayers and worship are rooted in our oneness with God, we will experience a radical sense of confidence and connection. Perfect love casts out fear. Christ has already dealt with your fear of being separated from the Father through His Spirit that lives within you. When you realise that you are now the dwelling place of God's perfect love, the reality of being perfectly loved by God becomes clearer and more tangible.