The Lord knows how to save good people out of the trouble that tests them.
2 Peter 2:9 (WE)
No problems or trials in life justifies our forsaking of God.
Don’t be disheartened or yield to despair. Cling on to God and find strength in Him. Although God never promised that we wouldn't experience challenges or misfortunes, He did promise that when we do, He won't forsake or forget us.
We struggle with trusting God because we don't always understand His way. Don’t misjudge God when bad things happen. He loves you more than you could ever imagine.
The Apostle Peter assures us that God is able to deliver the godly from their trials and troubles. Now here is someone who knows what he is talking about. Peter experienced firsthand how God saved him in the storm, rescued him from the murky waters, and led him out of prison. If he hadn't gone through those dark days and gloomy times, his faith would not have grown the way it did. Likewise, we won't fully know how great God is until we find ourselves in need of His almighty love and providence.
Opposition often brings opportunity.
Suffering is never easy and can ever overwhelm us. God however does not allow suffering without a purpose. It is not suffering itself, but how God uses suffering to bring His good into our lives. It is therefore wise to see beyond the troubles of life to the clear love of God.
Learn to focus on Jesus Christ—who serves as our perfect example of someone who trusted God despite His horrendous suffering on the cross. We must develop the ability to perceive how God is at work in our circumstances. There are times God will protect you from the storms and there are times God will provide for you in the storms.