The devil came to tempt him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these rocks to become bread.”
Matthew 4:3 (ERV)
Satan's temptation of Jesus in the wilderness reminds us of his diabolical intent to undermine our identity and security in Christ. We will not be able to refute his lies until we fill our minds and hearts with the truth about who we are and have in Christ. This is why a healthy and strong relationship with Jesus is essential if we want to enjoy victory in all areas of our lives.
Many of us are suffering and feeling defeated because we are ignorant of the devil’s scheme against the people of God. Some Christians are even against learning anything about the devil or spiritual warfare. They believe that talking about the devil is completely irrelevant and out of touch with present culture.
The devil's greatest trick is convincing everyone that he does not exist. His second-greatest trick is to make us to doubt our salvation and right standing with God. Satan can mess with our minds and disrupt our peace if we do not grow a deeper understanding of what Christ achieved on the cross and what it means for us. But if we do so, we have the divine advantage of our authority in Jesus to overcome sin, Satan, and the world.
You protect your identity in Christ by resting in God’s acceptance of you. It is an unconditional gift that is freely offered to you. You are not required to make any effort or earn that recognition. If you want to prevail in the spiritual conflicts of life, you must learn to pray against spiritual amnesia and reawaken your faith to the fullness of your identity and security.