I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for apart from Me, you can do nothing.

John 15:5 (TLV)


Once we recognise our identity and security is found in the cross of Christ, nothing should stop us from accomplishing what God has called us to do. Any feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt do not reflect our new reality. All that matters is for us to follow Jesus and do as He say. Then a wellspring of faith and confidence will rise within us, enabling us to carry out His will.

Staying rooted in Christ's grace and strength is the key to experiencing supernatural rest. We rest to honour the work God is doing in and through us. Rest begins with right believing, which leads to right living. We know there is no need to earn or strive for anything since Christ has already given us everything, we need to be fruitful.

Often, we confuse busyness with fruitfulness, but the two are not the same. Many Christians are busy, but they may not be fruitful. They are not doing what God wants. Instead, they are doing what they want and expecting God to bless them for it. Busyness focuses on giving to receive, but fruitfulness focuses on receiving to give.

Jesus calls us to abide in Him so that He can make us fruitful to the glory of God. Abiding means restful receiving His life and living by His life. Then, in whatever we do, we get to reflect Jesus and all His beauty.