Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet.

Judges 14:14 (NKJV)


Samson fought and killed a ferocious lion with his bare hands. When he walked by the same road a few days later, he saw bees making honey in its decaying carcass and ate the honey. He later turned his experience into a riddle to reveal a deeper truth about God's grace.

We can look at this story through the lens of the gospel.

The lion represents the devil, who is always looking for an opportunity to attack and destroy God's people. In the same way God gave Samson incredible power, He gives believers the power of the Holy Spirit to defeat the Enemy's adversarial attacks.

Throughout the four gospels, Jesus testified numerous times that it was Satan who brought sickness and disease on humanity, but Jesus came to heal and restore. So, even though Satan is a beaten foe, he has not stopped attacking us. The devil is behind many disasters and diseases, exploiting our fear and causing so much agony that we forget to turn to God for help.

While the devil can devise and plan evil against us, we can triumph over him through the blood of Jesus and the words of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). Your faith in Christ's finished work will establish you and your family. We will not only overcome the devil through Christ, but we will also overturn his plans.

Though the devil may come against us like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, the Apostle Peter instructs us to remain sober-minded and vigilant (1 Peter 5:8), that is, to focus our thoughts on God and not allow the devil to gain a foothold in our lives.

Now is not the time for God's people to be fearful or helpless. Remember to keep expecting God to do great things even when you receive bad news. We will taste Christ's victory over Satan in the same way that Samson tasted honey from the lifeless body of the lion. Regardless of what the devil tries to do to us, if we hold on to God's goodness and do not lose heart, we will be able to taste something sweet.

What is God saying to me here and what must I do?