The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.
Proverbs 12:15 (NIV)
An unteachable spirit is the biggest obstacle to spiritual growth and maturity.
Some people are difficult to teach because they refuse to learn or listen to godly counsel. They are destined to fall and fail, not because God wills it, but because they won’t change their unteachable attitude. Their lack of self-awareness has disastrous consequences, resulting in a life devoid of purpose and fulfilment.
To be teachable we must first become humble and willing to receive.
According to the Apostle James, God has made wisdom available to all of us (James 1:15). This means God is always ready to help us to be wise and walk in His ways. We simply need to ask, and God will generously and without any reproach give us all the wisdom we need in every situation.
The undeserved blessing of wisdom enables us to perceive reality as God sees it. We learn to live counterintuitively—and most surprising—for the sake of others, often at great cost to our own comfort and convenience. But they will not be a loss to us because God will look us for us.
Godly wisdom frees us from selfishness and self-centredness, opening our eyes and ears to discern what God is doing and moving alongside Him. Thus, the wiser we become, the more we live for God’s good purpose and glory.