All those in the Jewish place of worship were angry when they heard His words. They got up and took Jesus out of town to the top of a high hill. They wanted to throw Him over the side.

Luke 4:28-29 (NLV)


People didn’t understand Jesus. They were incredibly triggered by His words and actions. What makes them uneasy is that Jesus is bringing a different reality and different laws that are completely contrary to theirs. They did not see what Jesus was doing as a blessing, but as a threat to their way of life. Likewise, our prevalent worldview can create blind spots or gaps in how we see the gospel.

When was the last time God provoke you out of your comfort zone?

If what we believe about the gospel does not challenge us to change and grow us from the inside out, we may have not heard it right or enough of it. While the gospel is comforting, it is also confronting. It calls us to die to self and live for Christ. This is one reason many choose not to follow Jesus. They do not mind if He feeds them or heals them, but they will not allow Him to direct their path. In other words, they only just enough of God to save them, but not to the point where they can wholeheartedly say “yes” to His call.

Jesus must be Lord and not just Saviour.

In choosing Him, we will never wander far from Him. This makes obedience easy and light, not burdensome, and legalistic. Obedience becomes hard when we cannot trust God's way over our own. It will cause us to rebel, or to become impatient or discouraged. This is not the life Jesus desires for us. So, if you let the gospel of His kingdom fuel your worship and everything else, you will live radically for Him.