The Good News did not come to you by word only, but with power and through the Holy Spirit.

1 Thessalonians 1:5 (NLV)


When the gospel touches believing hearts, whether in individuals or communities, its transformative power can be truly amazing and life changing.

As we hear the gospel and believe what it says about who and what we become in Christ, we experience an ever-increasing fullness of His life working in us through the Spirit. So, even though we are already full in Christ, He still has more in store for us. This is because Christ desires for us to be fruitful—not just fruitful, but increasingly fruitful.

If we value fruitfulness as much as Christ does, we will enjoy the full blessings of His grace and favour in every situation and season. Problems often becomes a growth point for us to lean and live into the promises and provisions of God.

We must let God do whatever is right for us.

Nothing can stop us from living a flourishing and fruitful life for Christ more than our unwillingness to follow Him. We either become too comfortable with the status quo or too afraid to step out in faith to be where we should be. In other words, we have yet to set our hearts on living fully from the reality of the finished work of the Cross. However, when we learn to let His Spirit lead us, we can rest on His limitless power to help us to live abundantly and thrive in the face of changes and challenges.