Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness.

Psalm 29:2 (NIV)


Worship is about wholeness.

When we do not devote ourselves to worship, we are easily overwhelmed by life’s demands and needs. This allows stress to accumulate or even spiral out of control, resulting in burnout and compassion fatigue. They, in turn, can cause anger, bitterness, and frustration. If we want to avoid these extremes, we must learn to worship in all situations.

Whether He was multiplying loaves and fish, raising Lazarus from the dead, or dying on the cross, Jesus is the perfect example of what it means to worship at every given moment. Through worship and prayer, Jesus stays connected to the Father, enabling Him to do what the Father wanted. Similarly, when God is your first love and priority, you may continue to be faithful and fruitful even in difficult times.

Worship heals us by reawakening our hearts to a renewed love for God.

True intimacy and fellowship with the Father enable us to mature and realise the fullness of life we have in Him. As a result, we become stronger and more resilient. Instead of fleeing from challenging circumstances, we allow God to transform those moments into precious opportunities for spontaneous worship and praise.

Worship does not involve effort, but it does require an ongoing desire to be with God.

The Psalmist exhorts us to glorify the Lord's name. It is to realise that God can do anything for our good and His glory. Be aware of God's presence as much as possible during the day, and worship Him in the revelation of His holiness, mercy, and majesty.