Have you ever felt that your life is a disappointment?
Consider Peter.
Never one to hold back, Peter made numerous bold assertions about his devotion to Jesus (Mark 14:27-31) and yet it only took a little pressure for him to deny knowing Jesus not once, not twice, but three times. Overwhelmed by his own sense of failure Peter wept bitterly and returned to his former life as a fisherman (John 21:3).
Some Christians are similar like Peter.
They let a moment of disappointment and hurt get in the way of their God-given destiny. They'd rather walk away than chance failing again. Jesus did not discuss Peter's failure with him (John 21:1-19). Rather, He chose to restore him by asking him three times a poignant question, "Do you love Me?" Peter clearly loved Jesus, but he did so solely through his own strength. So, when his strength failed him, Peter thought he could never love Jesus again.
The fear of failure can keep you from trying anything new for God.
Jesus taught Peter a valuable lesson.
The security of our relationship is always built on the strength of His love Our love for Him is a response to His love for us (1 John 4:19). Love creates the possibility of a new beginning.
Then Jesus said to Peter once more:
'Follow Me.'
John 21:19 (NKJV)
Aren't you glad Peter didn't have the last say on his failure? Likewise, it is with you. You may believe you will never rise above your personal failings or shortcomings. But if God is on your side, nothing (including you) can stand in God’s way for your life.