Have you forgotten that your body is now the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who lives in you? You don’t belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary.
1 Corinthians 6:19 Passion Translation
How do we align our daily lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
The good news is, having been made a new creation in Christ, we already have the spiritual DNA of God inside us. If so, we need to recover and hear the true message of the gospel for ourselves. This will enable us to hear and understand God's heart and eternal longings to save mankind. Contained in Christ's plan to save us is His desire to enter into an authentic and life-giving relationship with each of us, including you.
The Temple in Jerusalem was seen as the touchpoint between heaven and earth, where the supernatural intertwined with what is natural. Jesus, of course, is the ultimate touchpoint of heaven and earth for us—where the power of the Cross and the power of the Resurrection not only saved us, but also raised us to be seated with Him in heavenly places. In giving us His Spirit, we are made living temples of God. It is this very truth that we too have also become a supernatural point of contact between heaven and earth.
As a Christian, you carry the extraordinary presence and power of Jesus everywhere you go.
So often many believers are looking for the spectacular and the sensational, without realising, for the most part, they carry the supernatural inside them. It is so important to let the Holy Spirit lead and guide us in our personal lives. If you are prepared to do so today, God can and will surprise you. He can take you beyond anything you ever imagined and to places beyond your wildest dreams.
Don't wait to be inspired or to feel motivated to act. It can start as easily as a prayer to God. The Apostle Paul says that it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose (Philippians 2:13). In other words, God gives you the passion to do what pleases Him. This means that right now you are already empowered and set up to succeed in what God has also purposed and empowered you to do.
Without Christ, we can do nothing. But with Christ, all things are possible.