For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So, you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

Colossians 2:9-10 (NLT)


The Father sends the Son to save us, and the Son sends the Holy Spirit to sanctify us. We are complete in Christ because the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us, secures our wholeness and holiness. Sanctification is the Spirit's work in revealing our salvation. Through Him, we have many fresh and powerful experiences of our life in Christ.

To be complete in Christ means to be fully assured that you have a perfect standing, acceptance, and relationship with God. You are the recipient of the same love as the Righteous Father has for the Beloved Son. The Holy Spirit within you is God's guarantee that His love will be with you and in you forever. If this truth does not make your heart glad and fill your mouth with praise, you either do not understand the gospel or simply refuse to believe it.

Any attempts to achieve "more" fullness than you already have in Christ jeopardise your relationship with God. If you strain and perform to win God's love and favour, you will miss the incredible joy of your salvation in Christ. Such a mindset changes you from a loving child of God to a spiritual orphan.

The sanctifying work of the Spirit enables you to obey and walk in the truth of your identity in Christ. In other words, He is helping you in living a life that will bring God the greatest glory. Obedience is a defining characteristic of those whose hearts have been perfected by the Spirit of grace. When we learn to appreciate our completeness in Christ, the desire for sin decreases while the desire to obey God grows.

Our completeness in Christ is both the testimony and evidence of our salvation and sonship. Then we will not feel and behave like spiritual orphans, but rather as true children of the Father.