You are our epistle written in our hearts, known, and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.
2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NKJV)
We are epistles of Christ, according to the Apostle Paul, penned by God's hands of grace to bring glory to Him. We are to allow our lives and testimonies to reflect God's goodness and love to inspire others to come to know Him for themselves.
Sometimes we believe that we are too flawed and unfit for God to use us for His purposes. God is aware of our limitations and is not shocked by our weaknesses. God urges us to follow Him instead so that He might use us to display His grace and might to the rest of the world. He bestowed upon us the spirit of sonship in Christ, which enables us to relate to Him as our Father with assurance, so that we may serve Him by the graces and gifts that He lavishly provided us with through the Holy Spirit.
Instead of feeling burdened by guilt and shame, let Christ's righteousness take root in you as you walk in your new identity in Him. You will undoubtedly be strengthened by it and be able to experience God's victory in every aspect of your life. God has given you a new nature and a new heart, and this is demonstrated by the way your life has changed. This implies that you have everything in Christ to effectively witness for Him.
You may be the only “bible” people will ever read.
The focus is not to be perfect, but to aspire to live an authentic life through the power of God's love. Simply pray to God for an opportunity to show others His love. We only overcome and conquer every sense of inadequacy and insufficiency when we are absolutely convinced that we are truly loved by God and have nothing to fear.
The most remarkable and awesome thing about God is His love. Be such a beautiful rendition that is both accurate and readable—that when people see you, they see God.