When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God boldly.
Acts 4:31 (CSB)
Boldness is not a personality trait or an overt pretence of bravery. Being an extrovert has nothing to do with it. Peter was an extrovert, but he was not always brave. Boldness is the Spirit's empowerment within us that allows us to endure and remain resilient in the face of adversity and conflict.
As the early Christians faced trials and persecution, they prayed fervently for boldness rather than safety, protection, or relief. They wanted boldness from God to be effective witnesses of the gospel.
Do you often pray for boldness?
All of us experience some level of fear in sharing the gospel. It is important to remember that the gospel is not something we keep to ourselves. It is God's power of salvation that goes forth and accomplishes God's purpose. God has chosen us to be both voices and means through which the gospel of Jesus Christ is spread. Let us continually pray to God for the courage and grace to step out in faith and share the message of His love with others.
When the apostles and other individuals boldly shared the gospel, they witnessed a remarkable transformation in the people, cities, and provinces. If we want God to heal our city's ills and promote spiritual and societal transformation, we must pray to God for opportunities and boldness to declare and demonstrate the good news. If every believer in our city dared to do the same this week, we would see a completely different spiritual texture in our city next week. That is what happened in Jerusalem, Samaria, and Ephesus.
Only the gospel alone has the power to profoundly influence and impact lives for the greater good and eternity. God may do in a single day what appeared impossible for government agencies and social services, even if they had all the resources.
Continue to pray for boldness and trust God to do great and amazing things through us in the name of Jesus Christ.