Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.
Mark 9:50 (NIV)
Can you imagine a world without salt?
The truth is that without salt, humans couldn't survive. Salt can be used for a variety of purposes, from enhancing flavour to food preservation. As a dash of salt might have on a dish, we have the ability to impact those around us in a positive way.
Everywhere we go, we are to be the salt of the earth, dispersing the flavour of the Kingdom. Think about what it would be like if every Christian made a conscious effort to live each day in imitation of Jesus. We shall be the most fulfilled, happiest, most productive, and most influential people on the planet.
Jesus teaches us when salt loses its saltiness, it is no longer useful for anything. Similarly, we should never do anything to hurt the faith of others or cause disunity. Rather, we are to be at peace with one another so that we can experience the joy of community and friendship.
Keep in mind that there are two types of peace: true peace and false peace. False peace is pretentious and is a form of toxic positivity. Instead of acknowledging that we have hurt or have been hurt, we choose to avoid dealing with the problems and pretend that everything is fine.
True peace is like salt; it purifies and heals the community. It eliminates the poison of resentment and gives us the courage to truly share from our own story of faith.
Jesus blesses people who are passionate about promoting peace. (Matthew 5:9) Let's work together as believers to create a culture of peace in our church, community and city. We must all start by doing our part to treat everyone with justice and kindness. By sowing the seeds of peace, we will reap a harvest of people who are at peace with God and with one another. (James 3:17–18) When we are engaged in the ministry of healing and reconciliation, we are most like our Father God.