Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
1 Peter 4:9 (NKJV)
Hospitality was a distinctive mark of the early church.
According to Acts, the believers met daily to share meals and fellowship. By building lives and reaching lives, the early church grew and spread to other parts of the world.
Hospitality is the ability and art of making people feel welcome and valued and loved. God wants us to do that for others through Christ because that is what He did for us in Christ.
We discover and understand God's hospitable nature and heart within the context of the Bible itself. Many of Jesus' sayings and parables depict God as the perfect host who graciously receives us as His beloved guests, despite the fact that we are undeserving of the honour. The Cross is God's ultimate act of hospitality where nothing prevents us from entering His presence and enjoying His favour.
By practicing hospitality with one another, we learn to imitate God's generosity and kindness and work alongside Him in showing genuine love and care for others. In essence, His Spirit transforms us into a people who are selfless and Christlike in all that we do. As a result, our community will become more inviting and welcoming to everyone who wants to serve Christ.
How do we show hospitality to one another?
Start small and simple. Personally invite people to share a meal with you and have conversations around life and faith. As the Lord may lead you, learn to listen to one another and offer prayer and support.
The Apostle Peter exhorts us to practice hospitality without grumbling.
Grumbling prevents you from loving others in a way that honours God. Without a doubt, there are times you feel inconvenienced and a little frustrated when people don't appreciate your effort and thoughtfulness. Don't give up and don't stop doing what Jesus has called you to do. Remember, people may forget to thank you, but God will remember you for the good that you have done in Jesus' name.