Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

There are two types of people we remember in life: those who were kind and those who were unkind towards us.

Never forget that God is the ultimate source of kindness and love for you, no matter how people treat you today. The Greek word for "kindness" is chrestos, which also implies "gracious, tenderness, and wholesome. It is a quality of the fruit of the Spirit. You can rest on God's grace to treat everyone kindly, even your enemies.

There were many biblical examples of people who were kind and helpful. Abraham was kind to his nephew Lot by giving him the first choice of the best land, and even rescuing him from being taken prisoner of war. Joseph showed extreme kindness and compassion to his deceitful brothers who were jealous of him. The four friends who kindly brought their paralytic mate to Jesus and witnessed his healing, as well as Dorcas, who never ceased to assist the widowed and needy in her community.

You don't need an ideal time or perfect moment to show kindness.

God gives you the ability and the strength each day to love and treat others with kindness in a way that you don't feel used or exploited afterwards.

If you pray for opportunities, God will show you who, when, where, and how to show kindness. God will supply what you need to do what He wants you to do. In other words, you grow more conscious of God's grace and gifts in your life as you extend compassion and love to others. In partnering with God, you do not diminish but rather you multiply.