For as in one body, we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

Romans 12:4-5 (ESV)


The church is not a building but a living body of Christ.

With Jesus as our head, we are a body with different parts that work together as a whole. There should be no conflict or competition among us because we all belong to Christ and each other. Many Christians, however, have become overly individualistic and have forgotten the value of belonging together. When we do not place a high priority on growing and building community, we will miss out on the blessings of becoming a healthy spiritual family.

When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, the church was divided and in disarray due to disputes between Jewish and Gentile Christians. He reminded them that as one body in Christ, they must learn to live the truth in practical ways. Honestly, many times it is difficult to form friendships and relationships in a local church community, let alone work together. This is because we come with our expectations and preconceived ideas of what a church should be and do. In doing so, we make our opinions more important than someone else's needs.

Our failure to realise what Christ desires and calls us to be and do leaves us more broken than ever before, as we both wound and are wounded by one another. We must learn to love and value one another in the same way Christ loves and values each of us. Then what we believe and do together will be a testimony of God’s grace working fully through us and amongst us.