Be devoted to each other like a loving family. Excel in showing respect for each other.
Romans 12:10 (GW)
We experience the richness of our oneness in Christ as we journey together with the community of believers. In our very individualistic world, many do not appreciate the value of belonging or being rooted in a community. Because of this, they trivialise the need for strong connections and healthy relationships.
Our attitudes towards one another can make our church life impactful and authentic or leave us vulnerable to the attacks of the adversary. We must grow the ability to see each other with the mind of Christ. After all, Christ is the foundation of our new creation community, and it is He who makes it possible for our relationships to be filled with love and truth.
Belonging to a community helps us grow and mature.
When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, there were divisions and deep tensions amongst them. He urged them to devote themselves to loving and respecting one another. It goes without saying that unresolved conflicts can paralyse us or make us bitter, but when we learn to love like Jesus does, good things often arise out of the bad.
If Christ truly has free reign in our church life, then saying “I forgive you” should be as easy as saying “I love you”.
We are to do for one another what Christ has done for us. It is always about choosing to love better and more in the way God loves. Lots of things can happen within a church community, and often they are beyond our prediction and control. Thus, our journey together will always be one of faith rather than certainty. The right thing to do is not to give up but to continue to receive the grace to love again and again.